NIGHTINGALE Publishes 9th Newsletter
Hi NIGHTINGALE subscribers,
Welcome to the ninth edition of our newsletter! NIGHTINGALE aims to advance prehospital life support and triage with innovative technologies and digital solutions.
In this newsletter, we highlight some of the key activities that have taken place since our last newsletter including our second and final Full-Scale Exercise.
The NIGHTINGALE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 10102195.
NIGHTINGALE Holds 2nd Full-Scale Exercise

On 5 October 2024, NIGHTINGALE held its second Full-Scale Exercise (FSX) in Savona, Italy. The exercise saw over 300 simulated victims, technicians and rescuers deployed to act out the mass casualty incident scenarios. NIGHTINGALE’s second full-scale exercise was the largest and final field validation in the project to date. It provided a vital opportunity to test how the NIGHTINGALE toolkit will be deployed by first responders and citizens beyond the project’s lifetime.
NIGHTINGALE Hosts 2nd International Workshop
In October 2024, the NIGHTINGALE project held its 2nd International Workshop in Milan, focusing on enhancing the capacity of first responders during mass casualty incidents. The workshop highlighted the use of the NIGHTINGALE toolkit, an AI-based solution designed to improve pre-hospital life support and triage in complex environments. Presenters, including first responders and emergency practitioners from across Europe, shared real-life experiences and challenges, followed by discussions on how the toolkit could address these challenges. Topics covered included pre-hospital response, paediatric care, secondary trauma, and hospital overload.
NIGHTINGALE Presented at EUSEM Congress

On 12-16 October 2024, the NIGHTINGALE project was represented at EUSEM 2024: European Emergency Medicine Congress in Copenhagen, Denmark. NIGHTINGALE project partner, Marta Caviglia from CRIMEDIM – Center for Research and Training in Disaster Medicine, Humanitarian Aid and Global Health showcased the project with a presentation entitled ‘Enhancing Mass Casualty Incident Response: Technological Innovations and their Challenges in Crisis Management’.
NIGHTINGALE Attends 26th Municipal Disaster Days

On 25-26 October 2024, NIGHTINGALE was represented at the 26th Municipal Disaster Days in Madrid. NIGHTINGALE partner Chaim Rafalowski, Disaster Manager and EU Projects Co-ordinator at Magen David Adom in Israel, showcased some of the innovative technologies developed as part of the project.
Cluster Activities

NIGHTINGALE attended the most recent Responder Technology Cluster online meeting, organised by CMINE – Crisis Management Innovation Network Europe. Eight projects working on disaster resilient technologies for first responders gathered to discuss new projects in the field, a future High Level Forum, and upcoming events for the cluster.
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