The NIGHTINGALE Project is presented at the 6th ICMM Pan European Regional Congress on Military Medicine in Greece
The NIGHTINGALE Project was presented at the 6th ICMM Pan European Regional Congress on Military Medicine in Athens, Greece.
Taking place between 16-19 April 2024 at Zappeion Megaron, dozens of experts gathered to participate in roundtables, discussions, and lectures.
The Congress serves as a platform for cooperation and collaboration with the aim to enrich the scientific and training activities of the participating nations’ Military Medical Services but furthermore to strengthen the relations and communication between the military medical personnel of our countries.
NIGHTINGALE Presentations
Our partners, The European Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery (ESTES) and The Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) represented the NIGHTINGALE Project at the event.
On Wednesday 17 April, Dr. Roberto Faccincani (ESTES) gave a lecture on the NIGHTINGALE Project, its aims and recent achievements.
While on Friday 19 April, Dr. Spyros Athanasiadis (ICCS) discussed key parts of the NIGHITNGALE toolkit in his presentation “A novel digital triage system for mass casualty incidents”.