NIGHTINGALE publishes highlights video from 1st Small-Scale Exercise (SSX) in Novara
The NIGHTINGALE Project has published a video showcasing the highlights from the 1st Small-Scale Exercise that took place in Novara, Italy.
On 19 October 2023, volunteers deployed the first protype of the NIGHTINGALE toolkit in two distinct Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) scenarios at the headquarters of the Italian Red Cross in Galliate. The Small-Scale Exercise was organised and hosted by the Centre for Research and Training in Disaster Medicine, Humanitarian Aid and Global Health, Università del Piemonte Orientale (CRIMEDIM-UPO) in cooperation with the Italian Red Cross.
In addition to NIGHTINGALE partners, participants included volunteers with extensive experience in pre-hospital management from civil protection agencies, such as emergency medical services, fire brigades, and police, as well as civic volunteers. They deployed, tested, and evaluated the developed tools during the exercise.
The aim of the first Small-Scale Exercise was to demonstrate and test how the NIGHTINGALE innovative toolkit and its various components can help to achieve effective multi-agency emergency response in a realistic but controlled environment.
Partners and experts without an assigned role in the SSX scenarios participated as observers and collected data and materials for the final assessment. The exercise concluded with a debriefing session on 20 October, providing an in-depth evaluation of the exercise.
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