NIGHTINGALE successfully completes the 4th plenary Meeting
NIGHTINGALE partners successfully participated in a two-day NIGHTINGALE plenary meeting.
The online meeting brought together our 23 partners and external advisors from 11 EU countries and associated countries to discuss the progress made so far and the next steps of the NIGHTINGALE project. It was a fantastic opportunity for our partners to engage in two days of intensive discussions and planning for the final year of the three-year project.
The Project Coordinator, I-SENSE Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS), hosted the online meeting and moderated the discussions and interactive sessions.
Day 1
The plenary started with a concise overview by our Work Package leaders, highlighting the latest updates on each task. It was an opportunity to get a full picture of the ongoing activities and establish the roadmap outlining the milestones and deliverables leading to the end of the project.
The second part of the day focused on examining individual tools and solutions that are developed as part of the NIGHTINGALE toolkit for first responders. The technical partners presented the updated technologies and services and discussed how they have addressed the user requirements in preparation for the deployment of the tool in realistic mass casualty scenarios during full-scale exercises.
Day 2
The second day included several interactive discussions that allowed us to advance the preparations for the training, integration, and validation activities. First, we outlined the plan for dissemination activities in the final year of the NIGHTINGALE project, clarifying the details of the main events and progressing with the strategic planning. Second, we dedicated a special session to cover various aspects of the upcoming first Full-Scale Exercise (FSX1), including the scenario, deployment, and operational and technical logistics.
The plenary meeting also included a session on the legal and ethical aspects of developing technologies for emergency and disaster response during mass casualty incidents. We concluded the meeting by formulating a clear plan and action points for the NIGHTINGALE partners to prepare for the first Full-Scale Exercise that takes place in Paris (Villejust) on 5-10 June 2024.
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