NIGHTINGALE Publishes 4th Newsletter
Hi NIGHTINGALE subscribers,
Welcome to the fourth edition of our LinkedIn newsletter! NIGHTINGALE aims to advance prehospital life support and triage with innovative technologies and digital solutions. In this newsletter, you will find an overview of the latest news, events, and developments from the NIGHTINGALE Project.
This edition highlights the key project activities, such as the fourth roundtable with end users and our first Small-Scale Exercise in Novara. It also presents the events and networking activities that involved the NIGHTINGALE partners.
The NIGHTINGALE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 10102195.
Roundtable and Small-Scale Exercise in Novara

From 16 to 20 October, NIGHTINGALE partners and the User Advisory Board members participated in the fourth Roundtable and the Small-Scale Exercise in Novara, Italy. The Small-Scale Exercise was organised and hosted by the CRIMEDIM – Center for Research and Training in Disaster Medicine, Humanitarian Aid and Global Health in collaboration with the Italian Red Cross in Galliate. This week-long event marked a significant milestone in developing the NIGHTINGALE toolkit. The exercise involved testing, integrating and deploying the prototype of NIGHTINGALE solutions in controlled yet realistic mass casualty incident scenarios. Participants had the opportunity to engage in discussions and offer valuable feedback on NIGHTINGALE technologies for the next development phase.
Security Research Event 2023
The Security Research Event serves as an annual gathering, bringing together industry, policymakers, and knowledge institutions to discuss the current state and challenges of security research in Europe. This year’s focus centred on challenges arising from global megatrends that are reshaping the security landscape in Europe. NIGHTINGALE had its dedicated booth at the exhibition. Participants had the chance to learn more about our work and explore the proposed technological solutions aiming to advance pre-hospital life support and triage.

Final Event of the INTREPID Project

The Intrepid Project successfully organised the concluding event of its three-year project, dedicated to addressing the challenges encountered by first responders when arriving at hazardous incidents. NIGHTINGALE has collaborated with INTREPID as part of the Responder Technology Cluster. Dr Spyros Athanasiadis of I-SENSEGroup/ICCS represented the NIGHTINGALE project at the event in the panel discussions, focusing on the standardisation of disaster-resilient technologies.
MEDEA Final Event, 30-31 October
NIGHTINGALE attended the MEDEA Project Final Event in Athens, Greece. The event was supported by the IFAFRI – International Forum to Advance First Responder Innovation and addressed the topic of “Current and Foreseen Security Operations: Challenges and Capability Gaps”. Dr Spyros Athanasiadis of I-SENSEGroup/ICCS presented the localisation system being developed as part of the NIGHTINGALE toolkit.
Responder Technology Cluster
In March 2023, the NIGHTINGALE project became a part of the Responder Technology Cluster (RTC) alongside eight other projects developing disaster-resilient technologies for first responders. This collaboration was made possible through the efforts of the Crisis Management Innovation Network Europe (CMINE), which has offered its networking platform and shared contact database with experts in crisis management and first responder organisations. Four more projects in a similar domain joined the RTC in November 2023. They include IProcureSecurity PCP, CURSOR, SYNERGISE, and FIRE-IN/DIREKTION.

Upcoming Events
CERIS Disaster Resilient Societies Annual Event, 4-7 December
The annual event is taking place on 4-7 December in Brussels. It brings together CERIS stakeholders in the field of disaster-resilient societies. This networking event provides a comprehensive overview of the accomplishments in EU disaster resilience for 2023 and offers a platform to deliberate on the goals and upcoming events for 2024. The NIGHTINGALE project, represented by Dr Eleftherios Ouzounoglou of I-SENSEGroup/ICCS, is part of the session on technologies for first and second responders, focusing on the perspective of medical first responders.
PSCE Conference “Managing Large-Scale Events for Public Safety”, 5-6 December

The PSCE conference is hosted by the Dutch Police on 5-6 December in the Hague, Netherlands. The two-day event will examine the issues of public safety and security within the context of the 2024 Olympic Games in France. For more information and registration for the event, please visit the PSCE website here.
NIGHTINGALE Roundtable with end users, 28-29 April 2024

The next NIGHTINGALE Roundtable with end users will take place on 28-29 April 2024 at the Estoril Convention Centre in Portugal. The ESTES – European Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery is organising the roundtable in conjunction with the annual European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery – ECTES 2024. Further details about ECTES 2024 are available here.
Call for Papers for the ISCRAM 2024
The ISCRAM 2024 conference is scheduled for 25-29 May 2024 in Münster, Germany. The conference theme takes a process-centric view on crisis management: “Embracing the Crisis Management Lifecycle”. The conference committee invites two broad categories of research papers: Completed Research (from 4000 to 8000 words) and Work In Progress (from 3000 to 6000 words). The deadline for the paper proposals is 15 December. Please check the call for papers here.
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