NIGHTINGALE First Tabletop Exercise in Stockholm
March 21-23, 2022
The first NIGHTINGALE tabletop exercise was coordinated by International Association for Promotion of Education and Training in Major Incidents and Disasters (MRMID) and took place at Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm. The tabletop exercise is an interactive training in triage, which is based on the medical response to major incidents and disaster methodology (MRMI).
The interactive training took place over the course of three days. Participants were introduced to the methodology, concepts, and MACSIM simulation system. In the next two days, participants applied the methodology in five different simulation scenarios of mass casualty incidents, which were based on real mass casualty cases. The training concluded with an evaluation session, assessing how teams reacted and performed the methodology in different scenarios. The training also included a presentation on the lesson learned from the recent cases in Europe of responding to mass casualty incidents.
The objective of the tabletop exercise was to bring together first-responders, medical practitioners and technical partners of NIGHTINGALE to consider the benefit of such interactive training for scientific validation of the NIGHTINGALE tools and for advancing training in triage and emergency response in mass casualty incidents.
Thanks to three days of lectures, scenario simulations and discussions, the partners departed Stockholm with invaluable insights. Practical simulations provided the opportunity to learn from one another, exchange insights and advance our understanding of what technological solutions can advance triage and pre-hospital care during mass casualty incidents.
The next NIGHTINGALE event is a round table discussion taking place in Oslo on the 24th -25th of April 2022 during the 21st European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery.